NPRR1230 approved: sets transmission shadow price caps for IROL, effective October 1 with 30-day market notice period starting October 2.
Discussion on NOGRR245: ongoing work between ERCOT and joint commenters on exemption process bifurcation, will move to subsequent NOGRR with board priority.
Expect updates at August R&M committee and Board meeting.
Public comment for BAL-001-TRE started on 7-15 and lasts for 30 days.
NERC standard review form session scheduled for July 25, 9-11 AM; materials available on NERC website.
Cyber and physical security workshop on July 28 at Texas RE; agenda on TRE website.
Industry workshop for missed operation reduction announced for October 1-2 in Salt Lake City at WECC offices; sign up on NERC website.
12.1 - NPRR1070, Planning Criteria for GTC Exit Solutions - OWG, PLWG - Possible Vote
NPRR1070 remains tabled at OWG pending a timeline from ERCOT.
12.2 - NOGRR265, Related to NPRR1238, Voluntary Registration of Loads with Curtailable Load Capabilities - Possible Vote
Bill Blevins from ERCOT discussed telemetry registration for transmission versus distribution loads.
VDI with NPRR1217 should transition to XML.
Concerns raised about distribution load qualifying and potential issues with UFLS for large customers.
ERCOT suggests set point should be 3000 to avoid hitting the EEA1 limit at 2500.
VECL to be deducted from TOs native load for summer and winter percentages.
Discussion on VECL entering an agreement with just the QSE.
Group believes the TO should also be part of the agreement if it impacts the customer's equipment.
Bill proposed adding TSP sign-off on the existing ERCOT form for simplicity.
Initial suggestion for table updates four times per year, adjusted to two times per year for winter and summer updates.
Reminder about hit list submission deadline and review at August OWG meeting.
OTWG update on severe weather drill; market notification already sent; no CEHs provided.
Single point of contact for Blackstart training to be sent by August 15; training weeks: October 14 - November 21; market notice in September; no pilot session planned; prerequisite portion through ERCOT LMS.
ERCOT operations training seminar for 2025 to include additional topics related to QSEs; seeking speakers from market participants; no EEA or emergency training simulations; seminars scheduled for April to March next year.
NOGRR265 and NPRR1238 to be discussed together at this month's meeting; potential comments from Oncor and ERCOT anticipated.
17 - Black Start Working Group - BSWG - Mike Dieringer
Not Discussed
18 - Inverter Based Resources Working Group - IBRWG - Julia Matevosyan
Presentation on advanced grid support from inverter based energy storage resources functional specifications and test framework by Andrew Isaacs.
Four commercially available battery models tested with the proposed framework.
Focus on basic functions for energy storage resources to enhance grid support.
Highlight of damping capability requirements unique to ERCOT due to many serious capacitors on long transmission lines.
Potential conflicts identified between IEEE 2800 standard and advanced support requirements; further examination needed.
Proposed four test benches for simulation-based testing; eleven simulation tests proposed.
Discussion on adopting advanced grid support requirements for new energy storage resources and voluntary implementation for existing ones.
Background provided on the necessity of advanced grid support and global grid forming requirements; benefits shown in ERCOT preliminary studies.
Improvement of 5-10% in GDC limits observed in some cases.
Transmission service owners encouraged to consider advanced grid support devices for future transmission reinforcements.
Finalization of functional specifications and tests planned, with submission of a revision request by the end of the year.
Continued assessment of grid forming capabilities from other inverter based resources like wind and solar, and black start capability from grid forming resources.
Stakeholders to contact Fred Huang at ERCOT for comments on functional specifications and testing framework.
Discussion on DWG procedure manual and future agenda for IBRWG meeting on August 9.
SPWG discussing auto recording close to IBRs to improve ride-through capability with setting changes; further discussion at August IBRWG meeting.
Texas RE mentioned a market notice switching to single resource CSR model from the beginning of August; potential update to be provided to IBRWG.
19 - Network Data Support Working Group - NDSWG - Gerardo Escamilla - 12:55 p.m.
Not discussed
20 - System Protection Working Group - SPWG - Mark McChesney
Reviewed proposals from ERCOT on distribution transform modeling.
Discussed system change requests to integrate short circuit data into ERCOT's modeling systems.
Received an update on NERC activities related to PRC standards.
Invited Aspen to update on short circuit modeling of IBR generators.
Held an open discussion on reclosing philosophies related to IBRs and IEEE C 37.104 guidance.
Plan to continue the conversation at the next IBRWG.
21 - Steady State Working Group - SSWG - Zach Walker
Zach Walker, vice chair of SSWG, filled in for William Robertson.
Gave a quick verbal update, no new items to present.
Currently working on the second case build of 2024, targeted for late October publication.
A couple of active items involving proposed revisions to the SSWG procedure manual are ongoing.
Aiming for consensus among the working group on these revisions.
Next business meeting scheduled for August 28 in person at ERCOT.
Julia Matevosyan noted a deadline of August 12 for comments on three dark standard drafts.